Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Khashah Dog

I want to introduce you to Khashah Dog. Mongolia has the most beautiful dogs. They are a genetically unique breed, can pretty much do anything from eating mutton fat to pulling sleds and have excellent, fluffy tails. I don't know enough about animal husbandry to tell you anymore than that. 

When in regional towns (aimags) or villages (soums), gers are generally located in a yard or a khahshah. These are owned by individuals. The ger districts, comprised of many khahshahs, have been rapidly expanding due to the impending end of a government policy that allows every individual to lay claim to a khahshah of their own.

A Khahshah normally has a dog to protect it. They wander wild and fend for themselves. For me, wandering scary dogs are a big deal because a dog bite would probably mean an eight hour bus trip to the capital for a rabies shot. Khahshah Dog terrified me the first night I met him, wandering in late with a friend. I obviously send the friend into the yard first as a sacrificial lamb. Fortunately, we both made it through safely. Since then though, Khahshah Dog and I have developed an active adoration of each other. I talk to him incessantly and throw him leftovers (he hates sushi). He sleeps next to my ger at night and follows me up the street. 

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